Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Journal of Agro-Sciences and Technology is an Open Access e-Journal dedicated to aspects of research in Agricultural Sciences and Technology and has the following sub-themes (alphabetically):


Agribusiness, Extension and Technology Transfer

Value links, marketing, trade, entrepreneurship, advances in extension approaches, paradigm shift in research and technology transfer


Environment and Natural Resources Management

Land and soil resources and their management, Water resources and their management, Biodiversity, Environment, Climate change and mitigation


Food and Nutritional Security

Crop/Animal/Food production, value addition, post-harvest, Nutrition, food safety and waste management


Gender, Policy and Governance in Agriculture

Gender and policy issues in agriculture, research and development, Vision 2030, global partnership for development

Sustainable Dryland Ecosystems

Dryland ecosyetems and their management, Biodiversity, Rehabilitation of degraded drylands, Pastoral and Agro-pastoral livelihoods, Resilience, Climate change adaptation and mitigation


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Agro Sciences and Technology will be reviewed by two experts in the field. Journal of Agro Sciences and Technology uses double-blinded review. The names of the reviewers will therefore not be disclosed to the author submitting a paper and vise versa. The author, to whom correspondence is to be addressed, will receive comments through online correspondence. These should be corrected and returned to the editorial office by the date specified in the accompanying letter. If proofs are not received by the specified date, the editors reserve the right to treat the manuscript as a fresh submission.


Publication Frequency

One issue per quarter


ISSN: 2304-2648

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