Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The journal of Human Nutrition Dietetics Food Science and Technology (JHNDFST) is an International peer-reviewed, open access, online journal covering all aspects of food and Food processing, Nutrition, Dietary intake and related disciplines. The journal supports the scientific invention, innovation and progress in Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and related agriculture, food security, health and consumer disciplines. It provides a forum for researchers, academicians, practitioners and industrial workers to disseminate research findings.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to the journal will first undergo editorial review to ascertain consistency with the scope, research interests and conformity with the basic guidelines before a double blind review of the manuscript by two relevant reviewers. To avoid unnecessary delays, it is important that authors comply with the guidelines before submitting their articles. Accepted papers are published in the next issue after receiving a satisfactory correction report from the authors. Articles generally follow the following order:

Title page

Title: must be brief up to a maximum of 25 words and informative enough for effective retrieval using information query systems. Abbreviations are to be avoided as much as possible.

Author details: affiliation addresses of the authors are presented below the author names with lower-case superscript letters immediately after the name of the author. The lower case superscript letters are included in front of the respective author address. Essential author affiliation information includes name of institution, postal address and the e-mail address of each author. Details of the author responsible for correspondence must be indicated together with their phone number, fax number and a full postal address including country name.

If an author changes affiliations after the study, this may be indicated using an Arabic numeral foot note denoting the ‘Present address. However, the address where the study was conducted remains as the main affiliation.


An abstract of between 200 and 250 words is included in original and review articles as well as short communications. The abstracts give brief background/problem statement followed by methodology and key results before conclusions and recommendations. Abstracts must be informative, self-explanatory and contain no references.

Key words

A minimum of three and maximum of five key words is provided at the bottom of the abstract in short communication, reviews and original articles. General and plural terms and multiple concepts should be avoided.


This section includes important up to date background information articulating past research findings around the current problem as well as justification of the research.

Materials and methods

The section provides adequate overview of the study design and detailed descriptions of materials or participants, types and methods of analysis. Well-developed procedures accessible in literature are just cited unless modifications require briefing. Authors describe this section in simple understandable language that can easily be repeated by a different researcher.

Results and discussion

The results section should provide complete details of the experiment that are required to support the conclusion of the study. The results should be written in the past tense when describing findings in the authors' experiments. Previously published findings should be written in the past/present tense. Results and discussion may either be written as combined or separate sections.


Figures and tables and illustrations

Figures and tables are placed in text immediately after their mention, accompanied with proper legend and titles. Authors should ensure that figures, tables and any other illustrations are self-explanatory.  Definitions of any abbreviations that appear on the figure or table must be provided.


The authors must ensure that conclusions emerge from the results of the research and are based on the specific objective (s) under study.


All Latin, Greek or other foreign words must appear as italics, e.g. in vitro, per se, et al. The abbreviations i.e. and e.g. do not require italics. Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.


Citing in the narrative/text is in form of square bracketed numbers, e.g. [1] following the order in which the references appear. All cited references must be listed at the end of the article. The details depend on type of source, that is, journals, published books, among others. The page numbers for cited articles must be stated as a range, e.g., 150-175; for books, names of editors and of publishers and cities where they are located are also stated.


The stability of the product will depend on its nature, type of oil used and storage duration [1].


Article/Chapter in a book

Wamoli B. B. (2010).  The potato in the human diet [title of chapter or section]. In: [title of the book]. Eds names of editors; first name initialed followed by names, name of publisher, the that of the city where located and finally after a full colon- page range:150-175.


Articles from journals

Ali, A. and Javad, L. (2007). Study on variation of potato varieties using electrophoretic tuber storage proteins. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 10: 3195-3199.

Aminlari, M., Ramezani, R. and Khalili, M.H. (2005). Production of Protein-Coated Low-Fat Potato Chips. Food Sci. and Technol. Int. 11: 177-181. The same goes for online journals.


Only published or accepted manuscripts are be included in the reference list. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted are not be cited. Personal observations and unpublished works are just cited as ‘unpublished work’ in text and not are listed under references.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


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