Background: The diagnosis and effective treatment of benign bra ast disease still remains a
clinical challenge and the need for surgical intervention has not I Been clearly defined.
Objectives: To determine the patterns of benign breast disea e in an Afro-Caribbean
population in order to define the patterns of disease encountered and to review the approach
to diagnosis and treatment.
Methods: A review of all breast biopsy operations performed br benign disease at the
Kingston Public Hospital, Jamaica was made by examining a total ( ~f 333 patient records over
a two year period.
Results: Of the cases reviewed this study clearly showed that the majority of benign breast
lesions were due to fibrocystic disease (41%) and fibroadellomas (33%). Intraduct
papillomatosis which accounted for 6.7% was the next in frequel~cy. Other diseases found
included fat necrosis 12 (4.4%) with breast abscess and mamrr ary duct ectasia in eight
patients (3 %) each. Fourteen patients (5 %) had no diagnostic abn~rmality. The mean age of
patients with fibroadenoma was 20 years whereas the mean age o t patients with fibrocystic
disease was 40 years. The co-existence of fibrocystic disease with malignancy was reported
in 15 cases.
Conclusion: Benign breast disease in this population occurs mainly in young women less than
30 years of age. Eighty per cent of breast biopsies done in patient; with palpable lumps are
for benign disease. The data support a more conservative apwoach to diagnosis and
management of these patients.
clinical challenge and the need for surgical intervention has not I Been clearly defined.
Objectives: To determine the patterns of benign breast disea e in an Afro-Caribbean
population in order to define the patterns of disease encountered and to review the approach
to diagnosis and treatment.
Methods: A review of all breast biopsy operations performed br benign disease at the
Kingston Public Hospital, Jamaica was made by examining a total ( ~f 333 patient records over
a two year period.
Results: Of the cases reviewed this study clearly showed that the majority of benign breast
lesions were due to fibrocystic disease (41%) and fibroadellomas (33%). Intraduct
papillomatosis which accounted for 6.7% was the next in frequel~cy. Other diseases found
included fat necrosis 12 (4.4%) with breast abscess and mamrr ary duct ectasia in eight
patients (3 %) each. Fourteen patients (5 %) had no diagnostic abn~rmality. The mean age of
patients with fibroadenoma was 20 years whereas the mean age o t patients with fibrocystic
disease was 40 years. The co-existence of fibrocystic disease with malignancy was reported
in 15 cases.
Conclusion: Benign breast disease in this population occurs mainly in young women less than
30 years of age. Eighty per cent of breast biopsies done in patient; with palpable lumps are
for benign disease. The data support a more conservative apwoach to diagnosis and
management of these patients.

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