Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are interrelated disorders which have
been reported to occur either simultaneously or sequentially in the same patient. We report
here the development of nodular sclerosing type Hodgkin's disease in a patient two decades
after successful treatment for Burkitt's lymphoma with cyclophosphomide and abdominal
resection (AR). While the onset of symptoms after treatment for Burkitt's lymphoma was
seven years definitive diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease was only made 22 years after the initial
diagnosis of Burkitt's lymphoma. The recurrent and solitary nature of the lymphadenopathy
and the fact that it was initially reported as reactive hyperplasia is typical of nodular
lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease. We believe that there was a transitory period
of the malignancy as nodular lymphocyte predominant klodgkin's disease.
been reported to occur either simultaneously or sequentially in the same patient. We report
here the development of nodular sclerosing type Hodgkin's disease in a patient two decades
after successful treatment for Burkitt's lymphoma with cyclophosphomide and abdominal
resection (AR). While the onset of symptoms after treatment for Burkitt's lymphoma was
seven years definitive diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease was only made 22 years after the initial
diagnosis of Burkitt's lymphoma. The recurrent and solitary nature of the lymphadenopathy
and the fact that it was initially reported as reactive hyperplasia is typical of nodular
lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease. We believe that there was a transitory period
of the malignancy as nodular lymphocyte predominant klodgkin's disease.

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