Objective: To carry out an overview of prostate cancer in indigenous back Africans
in sub-Saharan Africa and blacks of African ancestry in diaspora.
Data Source: Review of all published literature on prostate cancer on indigenous
black Africans and Africans in diaspora was carried out through medline and index
medicus searches.
Data Selection: Published data of prostate cancer in indigenous black Africans and
black men in diaspora from 1935-2007 were included in the review.
Data Extraction: Abstracts of articles identified were assessed, read and analysed to
determine their possible suitability and relevance to the title under review.
Data Synthesis: After establishing relevance from the abstract, the entire paper was
read, and the significant points included in the review.
Conclusion: Prostate cancer incidence and magnitude in black Africans was grossly
misunderstood and underestimated in the past. Prostate cancer incidence is on the
increase and currently is perhaps the most common urological malignancy affecting
black Africans. Its incidence and clinical characteristics is similar to that of the
Africans in diaspora but different from all other races. There currently exists
significant evidence which suggests a common enhancing genetic predisposition in
black men to prostate cancer. There is very urgent need for further investigation of
this phenomenon through randomised controlled multicentre studies involving
indigenous black Africans and black men in diaspora.
Objective: To carry out an overview of prostate cancer in indigenous back Africans
in sub-Saharan Africa and blacks of African ancestry in diaspora.
Data Source: Review of all published literature on prostate cancer on indigenous
black Africans and Africans in diaspora was carried out through medline and index
medicus searches.
Data Selection: Published data of prostate cancer in indigenous black Africans and
black men in diaspora from 1935-2007 were included in the review.
Data Extraction: Abstracts of articles identified were assessed, read and analysed to
determine their possible suitability and relevance to the title under review.
Data Synthesis: After establishing relevance from the abstract, the entire paper was
read, and the significant points included in the review.
Conclusion: Prostate cancer incidence and magnitude in black Africans was grossly
misunderstood and underestimated in the past. Prostate cancer incidence is on the
increase and currently is perhaps the most common urological malignancy affecting
black Africans. Its incidence and clinical characteristics is similar to that of the
Africans in diaspora but different from all other races. There currently exists
significant evidence which suggests a common enhancing genetic predisposition in
black men to prostate cancer. There is very urgent need for further investigation of
this phenomenon through randomised controlled multicentre studies involving
indigenous black Africans and black men in diaspora.

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