Conflict Mitigation in Enhancing Discipline in Kenya s Secondary Schools

Agnes Kibui ,PhD., Gavin Bradshaw ,PhD., Lucy Kibera, PhD.


In any society, conflict is an endemic factor that shapes and determines relationship in all facets of life. Evidently, in a school community, conflicts are bound to occur given the different views, needs and values of the people. The study examines conflict mitigation in enhancing discipline in Kenyan secondary schools and is anchored on human needs theory. The study employed a descriptive survey design and embraced both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data from secondary school students, head teachers and guidance and counseling officers. The study concluded that the failure to train teachers on skills of conflict  management and non involvement of students in decision making, are the causes of conflict in secondary schools. The study recommends that key conflict resolution and peacemaking skills should be introduced in schools and in management and training of teachers.

Key Words: Conflict, Management, Strategies, Discipline, and Students

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